


orphanage, social orphanage, residential care institutions, psychological help, anxiety, adaptation, interaction.


The article deals with the orphanhood problem as a social phenomenon, the prevalence and relevance of which is increasing year by year in Ukraine. It is noted that orphanhood is a social phenomenon whose occurrence is conditioned by the presence in the society of children whose parents have died, as well as children without parental care as a result of deprivation of the last parental rights or their recognition in the established procedure of incapacitated, missing persons. There are various types of residential institutions for orphans. Their functions and tasks are analyzed. The analysis of socio-psychological peculiarities of the development of orphaned children, students of residential institutions characterized by violations in the intellectual and emotional-volitional spheres, inadequate I-image and negative I-concept are analyzed. Two groups of factors influencing the personal development of orphan children are considered: factors of the social environment caused by the disadvantages of education in former families (negative heredity, homelessness, neglect and ill-treatment) and factors caused by the consequences of the imperfect system of education in residential institutions (inferior communication with adults; permanent stay in a closed institution; narrowed circle of communication; regulation of free time by schedule, etc.). The following negative aspects of staying at an orphanage are analyzed: violations of social adaptation, lack of skills of productive communication with peers and adults, the formation of the phenomenon of «we», the absence of a place where the child could live alone. The authors noted the importance of psychological care and support for boarding school students from the side of not only a psychologist, but also social workers, teachers, educators. The necessity of knowledge and consideration by all employees (psychologists, social workers, teachers) of age and socio-psychological peculiarities of children in communication and interaction with them is emphasized. It is summarized that for the normal development of a child, a pupil of a residential institution, a qualified assistance of teachers, psychologists and social workers is required, which should be based on the psychological characteristics of each individual child.

Author Biographies

Oksana Voronkevych, Ternopil National Volodymyr Hnatyuk Pedagogical University

PhD in Psychological Sciences, assistant of the Department of Practical Psychology

Solomiya Chopyk, Ternopil National Volodymyr Hnatyuk Pedagogical University

PhD in Psychological Sciences, Associate professor of the Department of Practical Psychology,


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How to Cite

Voronkevych, O., & Chopyk, S. (2019). PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF SOCIAL EMPLOYEE’S WORK WITH EXCITERS OF BOARDING SCHOOLS. Social Work and Education, 6(1), 8–18.

