
  • Lyudmyla Romanovska Khmelnytskyi National University Khmelnytskyi,, Ukraine



advertising, social advertising, deviant behavior, social work, young.


The article deals with the main approaches to the definition of social advertising offered by domestic and foreign scholars. It was stated that social advertising is a kind of non-commercial advertising, which is developed and distributed with informative, educational purpose, for change of values, value orientations, consciousness and style of behavior. Social advertising has a significant impact on changing the behavior of individuals and on the formation of the style of behavior. Social advertising is also an effective mechanism for the work of social workers to prevent addictive behavior in the teenage and youth environment; an effective means of influencing the personality. World experience proves that special information materials (brochures, booklets, posters, television, radio clips) can counteract the negative social phenomena of our society. In general, the creation and implementation of social advertising is aimed at changing the attitude of the public towards existing social problems, and in the long term - the formation of a positively directed behavior of the individual, based on a system of socially significant values. However, due to a number of objective reasons, the prevalence and development of social advertising in Ukraine remain low, especially if compared with other branches of marketing communications. It was found out that abroad, the kind of advertising products used by social services, institutions and organizations has long been, while in Ukraine - only from the end of the twentieth century. Regarding its application in the practice of social work, the activities of a social worker – it is determined that social advertising acts, if properly applied, selection of channels and methods of distribution, forms and types, a significant factor, a means of preventing deviant behavior in the youth environment.

Author Biography

Lyudmyla Romanovska, Khmelnytskyi National University Khmelnytskyi,

Doctor of Pedagogics, Professor Professor of Department of Social Pedagogy and Social Work,


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How to Cite

Romanovska, L. (2019). SOCIAL ADVERTISING IN THE PREVENTION OF THE QUESTIONALITY OF YOUTH. Social Work and Education, 6(1), 52–61.

