



inclusive education, children with special educational needs, future teacher training, initial education, pre-school education.


Raising and educating children with disabilities has always been a painful and difficult topic to discuss. However, at the present time, inclusive education has proved its relevance at the expense of the vision of the educational process from the point of view of enhancing the adaptive capacity of the main subject of the education of the child. Such education can be a way of breaking down stereotypes in society, as it allows such children to be included in the school system and to ensure their full socialization. Inclusive education requires new programmers, new teaching AIDS and additional funding. Most importantly, changes in teacher training, namely, the readiness and ability of teachers teaches all children, without exception, regardless of characteristics and abilities, as well as development and limited opportunities. On the basis of a theoretical analysis of psychological, pedagogical, scientific and methodological literature, the concepts of «children with special educational needs», «inclusive education» are revealed, the concepts of «training» teachers are considered. The main idea of a scientific article is that the preparation of teachers for work in inclusive education is aimed at developing the professional competence of future teachers as the ability to solve professional problems in the field of inclusion. The main components of the readiness of future teachers to implement educational similarities with children with special educational needs are: theoretical, practical and personal, which include the system of knowledge and skills necessary to implement inclusive education; the formation of a complex of motives, goals and objectives of inclusive education; including personal factors (motivation to the development and implementation of inclusive education; reflection of a personal relationship to the process of this training), as well as a willingness to overcome difficulties and setbacks.

Author Biography

Nataliya Agarkova, H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv

PhD in Pedagogics, Associate Professor of the Department of primary, preschool and vocational education


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How to Cite

Agarkova, N. (2019). FUTURE EDUCATORS AND TEACHERS OF INITIAL CLASSES TRAINING TO WORK WITH CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS. Social Work and Education, 6(1), 70–79. https://doi.org/10.25128/2520-6230.19.1.7

