


communication, pedagogical communication, pedagogical interaction, partnership.


The article reveals the significance of the concepts of "communication" and "pedagogical communication". The structure of pedagogical interaction, strategy and tactics is shown. The theoretical questions of relations of college teachers, which are carried out in the form of interaction and partnership, are considered. Indicates scientific approaches to the definition of the concept of "pedagogical communication". Communication is one of the main problems, through the prism, which studies questions of people's perception and understanding of each other. Communication helps to better understand the process of interpersonal interaction and interpersonal relationships. Interest in communication manifests representatives of different sciences, because it is a multidimensional and multilevel phenomenon. The existence of society can not be imagined outside the communication and interaction of people as its members with each other, so communication has always remained an object not only of everyday, but also of scientific attention. Communication is one of the universal realities of human existence, a specific kind and a necessary condition for its activity. The psychological climate in the pedagogical collective largely depends on the professional-pedagogical communication. Correctly organized professional and pedagogical communication not only provides an effective exchange of information, but also allows you to better know your colleague, to predict the features of further professional interaction. For successful communication, it is necessary to create conditions that would facilitate the self-actualization of the interlocutors and their productive cooperation. Further research, in our opinion, requires the issues of providing, organizing and regulating the relationship of professional and pedagogical communication of teachers of the college of artistic direction in the conditions of methodical work.

Author Biography

Vitaly Andreev, OKVNZ "Dnipropetrovsk Theater and Art College", Dnipro,

Ph.D. student of Departament of Pedagogy and Psychology, Alfred Nobel University. Methodist,


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How to Cite

Andreev, V. (2019). PEDAGOGICAL INTERACTION OF THE TEACHERS OF THE ARTS COLLEGES. Social Work and Education, 6(1), 80–88.

