


method of alternative activities, prevention, strengths, empowerment, cognitive dissonance, motivation, change, problem behavior.


The article considers the method of alternative activity as a way of empowerment and of increasing the client`s motivation to change a problem behavior in the technology of secondary or tertiary prevention. In particular, the authors highlight the main principles of the method; describe the algorithm of its implementation, its main characteristics and its impact on the growth of the client`s motivation to change the problem behavior through engagement in the alternative activities. In addition, three examples of the method application in preventive projects with different target groups are presented. Thus, the article argues the relevance of the method of alternative activity in preventive social work with different groups of clients.

Author Biographies

Olha Boyko, Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv

PhD, Senior lecturer, Pedagogy and Social Work Department

Giancarlo Cursi, Salesian Pontifical University, Rome

Dr. in Sociology and International Politics, Professor, Pedagogical Methodology Department


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How to Cite

Boyko, O., & Cursi, G. (2019). ALTERNATIVE ACTIVITY AS A METHOD OF EMPOWERMENT AND MOTIVATION OF СLIENT TO THE CHANGE. Social Work and Education, 6(2), 123–132.

