Power dynamics in parent-child relationships: a child labour dilemma





Child labour, parental-role reversal, power dynamics, parent-child relationship


Although a number of studies have been explored on the effects of child labour on children, its consequential impacts on parent-child relationship has however not be of primary concern. Seeing the possible influence of parental relationship on the childs social development, this paper accentuates the way in which the role reversal of parents in terms of childrens financial contributions impedes positive relationships in households. The study is a qualitative approach using the narrative design to gain an understanding of the power dynamics in parent-child relationships; and demonstrates how childrens earning role creates an environment of conflict detrimental to their well-being.The findings reveal that various strategies are used by children to challenge parental authority when they are responsible for a fair amount of income generation, which include disobedience, insubordination and aggressive behaviour. This thus, requires greater attention for social work intervention measures.

Author Biography

Tracy Omorogiuwa, University of Benin

PhD, Department of Social Work, University of Benin


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How to Cite

Omorogiuwa, T. . (2021). Power dynamics in parent-child relationships: a child labour dilemma. Social Work and Education, 8(3), 373–384. https://doi.org/10.25128/2520-6230.21.3.6

