


student, university, social support, resources, resource support, resource potential, student service, student service staff.


The article describes the essence of the concepts: “resources”, “resource provision” and “resource potential”. It clarifies the importance of social work resources and identifies the characteristic features of social support resources for students in the USA universities. Based on the analysis of scientific publications, the typology of resources used by student services at US universities in the process of student social support is characterized - real and potential, internal and external, official and informal resources, and specific examples are given. Positive aspects of resource support for student social support at US universities are identified and opportunities for its use in higher education institutions of Ukraine are indicated. Prospects for further scientific exploration in the specified direction are outlined.

Author Biography

Iryna Iashchyshchak, менеджер відділу з Соціальної роботи Sincere Care Agency

New York, USA


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Official site of Boston College [Електронний ресурс]. Режим доступу: offices.html.



How to Cite

Iashchyshchak, I. (2020). RESOURCE PROVISION OF SOCIAL SUPPORT FOR STUDENTS AT THE USA UNIVERSITIES. Social Work and Education, 7(2), 201–207.

