
  • Viktoriia Demchenko Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Kharkiv, Ukraine; , Ukraine
  • Iryna Semenyshyna State Agrarian And Engineering University in Podilia, Kamianets-Podilsky, Ukraine;, Ukraine
  • Yevgeniya Yemelyanova Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, Kharkiv, Ukraine; , Ukraine



personality; education; personality-oriented approach; higher education institution;, pedagogical activity; teacher; foreign student; professional-psychological characteristics; psychological-pedagogical support.


The article highlights the psychological features of the teacher of free economic education in the process of teaching foreign students. The basic principles of development of professional and psychological characteristics of the teacher 's activity are distinguished: integrity, determinism and indeterminism, variability, personality activity, personality co - development, education and profession, coherence. The interconnected components of the integral systematic activity of the teacher of ZVO are defined: systematic tracking of dynamics of personal development of the foreign student in the course of training; creation of psychological, pedagogical and social conditions for the development of the personality of foreign students, their successful adaptation and learning; providing assistance to foreign students who have learning difficulties. Factors of psychological adaptation of foreign students are given. It is noted that the solution of problems of adaptation and successful training of foreign graduates in Ukrainian universities is also facilitated by psychological support of the learning process (holistic, systematically organized activities, in the process of which favorable conditions for successful functioning of the accompanied entity). Psychological aspects of personality-oriented approach to teaching foreign students are highlighted. The psychological conditions which promote increase of success of training of foreign students are specified. Also among the conditions that determine learning, there are external (requirements of the educational process, availability of educational material, the nature of interaction with teachers and classmates, the attitude of reference persons to the educational process in general and to individual subjects in particular) and internal (individual psychological characteristics of the applicant). level of knowledge, etc.). It is noted that an important indicator in the process of teacher interaction when working with foreign students is to take into account the peculiarities of the professional self-awareness of the teacher. Psychological barriers in the work of a teacher in a multicultural educational space are formed. Emphasis is placed on the fact that the pedagogical activity of university teachers and the barriers that arise in its implementation are assessed on the basis of analysis of professional and pedagogical knowledge and skills, professional and psychological position and attitudes of the teacher, as well as his personal characteristics. professional skills and abilities. Based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical research on the problem of professional activity of teachers with foreign students, the following professional and psychological characteristics of the teacher are revealed: ethnic identity, belonging to traditional culture, attitude to collectivism, mobility, adaptability, intercultural tolerance, ingenuity, optimism. Stages of psychological and pedagogical support of the person at different stages of professional activity of the teacher in the conditions of training of foreign students (optation, professional training, professional adaptation, professionalization, skill) are developed.

Author Biographies

Viktoriia Demchenko, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Kharkiv, Ukraine;

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Language Training,

Iryna Semenyshyna, State Agrarian And Engineering University in Podilia, Kamianets-Podilsky, Ukraine;

PhD , Associate Professor, Department of mathematics disciplines, information technologies and modeling,

Yevgeniya Yemelyanova, Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture, Kharkiv, Ukraine;

PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Language Training,


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How to Cite

Demchenko, V. ., Semenyshyna, I. ., & Yemelyanova, Y. . (2021). PSYCHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF THE ACTIVITY OF THE TEACHER OF HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION IN THE PROCESS OF FOREIGN STUDENTS. Social Work and Education, 8(1), 90–105.

