dysfunctional families;, teenagers;, social work with dysfunctional families.Abstract
. This article examines the influence of a single-parent family on the teenager’s personality and on the basis of the study substantiates the main areas of a social worker with single-parent families. A theoretical analysis of the definition "incomplete family"; The main problems of a single-parent family are highlighted: problems of family discomfort of a child, development of complexes of different nature, lack of inner harmony, which eventually leads to psychological changes, and their impact on the formation of personality of a teenager living in a single-parent family. An empirical study was conducted on the basis of secondary schools in the Kamyanets-Podilsky, Khmelnytsky region, using such methods as the questionnaire of personal adaptability of schoolchildren A.V. Furman, CMAS Explicit Anxiety Scale (adapted by AM Prikhozhan), a study of self-esteem by the method of Dembo - Rubinstein modified by AM Prikhozhan, revealed the main difficulties that inhibit the socialization of adolescents living in incomplete families. As a result of the application of the questionnaire, compiled on the basis of the method of A.M. Parishioners, the level of anxiety of children raised in single-parent families compared to children raised in full-fledged families was determined. The level of self-esteem of adolescents raised in single-parent families was determined according to the results of the Dembo-Rubinstein self-assessment study. Summarizing results of the study, conclusions were made on the main problems of single-parent families, in particular, adaptation to the new status in society, the problem of raising children in the absence of one parent, material living conditions of single-parent families, the possibility of parents and children "," Emotional rejection ", a complex of inferiority in children or parents and their impact on the personality of adolescents. It is determined that the areas of social work with single-parent families should be: formation of positive thinking, prevention of mistakes in family upbringing, educational activities on family and children's rights, correction of relations of family and its members with the microenvironment, assistance in training and employment children and parents from single-parent families.References
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