Inclusive communication as a tool for the formation of inclusive culture: terminological analysis




inclusion, communication, inclusive communication, communication support, inclusive culture


The article focuses on the need to expand and clarify the inclusive glossary. The concepts of «inclusion», «inclusive communication», «inclusive culture» are characterized on the basis of the analysis of the basic normative documents (Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, The Salamanca statement and framework for action on special needs education). The correlation between inclusive communication and inclusive culture is substantiated. It is emphasized that it is by means of inclusive communication that an inclusive culture is formed. The main approaches to the interpretation of inclusive communication are outlined. The goals and objectives of inclusive communication, its features are analyzed. It is noted that inclusive communication is first of all effective communication, which is human-centered, based on respect, recognition of the value of each person and allows everyone to contribute to the development of society, to feel part of it; іnclusive communication expands the population's access to various services (social, educational, medical, etc.), helps people in communities to lead an autonomous lifestyle, helps government agencies to avoid discrimination. The basic principles of inclusive communication are highlighted (equal importance of information and physical accessibility of various services for people in need of communication support; variety of types of communication support that requires a differentiated and individual approach; two-way communication process; flexible communication; еhe effectiveness of inclusive communication depends on reaching as many people as possible with different communication support needs; the best result is provided by gradual rather than radical changes). Emphasis is placed on the fact that non-inclusive communication can cause a number of negative manifestations, causing people to feel discriminated against, prejudiced, socially excluded, anomalous, marginalized, alienated, unnecessary, condemned, restricted in their rights and opportunities.

Author Biography

Halyna Leshchuk, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagogical University, Ternopil

PhD in pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Social Work and Management of Socio-Cultural Activities


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How to Cite

Leshchuk, H. (2021). Inclusive communication as a tool for the formation of inclusive culture: terminological analysis. Social Work and Education, 8(3), 364–372.

