Using media educational elements while teaching future translators




infomedia literacy, media education, critical thinking, digital literacy, social tolerance, learning process, media literacy integration


Media literacy is one of the key competencies a modern person needs to develop alongside with other professional competencies. This article discusses the issue of integrating infomedia literacy into the learning content while preparing future translators. Students need to realize that they are both consumers and creators of information, which should increase understanding of their own responsibilities as participants in the information field. Considering this, future translators, as interpreters of semantic messages, cultural and ethical values, have a much greater responsibility than representatives of other professions. Such factors necessitate the integration of media education elements and the widespread use of exercises to develop critical thinking aimed at increasing the level of media literacy among students. This will ensure a systematic approach of students to understanding their information environment, understanding the impact of media and social networks on society, will help to make sound and reasonable decisions in their professional activities and in everyday life. The aim of the article is to demonstrate the mechanisms of using media educational elements while teaching professionally-oriented disciplines for future translators to develop their infomedia literacy competencies. To be media literate means to be able to appropriately use relevant information, store it wisely, and share it with others. Infomedia literacy consists of the following competencies: media literacy; critical thinking; social tolerance; resistance to influences, fact-checking; information literacy; digital security; visual literacy; innovation, development of creativity. These competencies are developed during the courses “Critical Thinking of Translators” and “Basics of Medialiteracy” that are taught to students majoring in translation and interpretation in Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University. However, it is worth mentioning that infomedia literacy should be developed during other professionally-oriented courses, namely “Introduction to Translation Studies”, “Theory of Translation”, “Contrastive Lexicology”, “Practical Course of the English Language”. The authors of the article suggest a set of exercises aimed at developing the above-mentioned competencies which will help future translators/interpreters successfully cope with challenges of the modern world and form the positive professional image and public authority.

Author Biographies

Inna Anastasiia Dziubanovska, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagogical University, Kryvonosa 2, Ternopil

Assistant of the Department of Theory and Practice of Translation

Tetiana Tsepeniuk, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University: Ternopil, UA

СHead of the Department of Theory and Practice of Translation

Ірина Ваврів, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University: Ternopil, UA

Assistant of the Department of Theory and Practice of Translation


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How to Cite

Dziubanovska, . I. A. ., Tsepeniuk, . T. ., & Ваврів, І. . (2021). Using media educational elements while teaching future translators . Social Work and Education, 8(4), 494–504.

