
  • Nataliia Borisenko Kherson State University, Faculty of Pedagogy, Department of Theory and Methods of Preschool and Primary Education Ukraine, Kherson, st. University 27;, Ukraine
  • Iryna Hrytsenko Kherson State University, Faculty of Pedagogy, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Preschool and Primary Education Ukraine, Kherson, st. University, 27;, Ukraine
  • Veronika Denysenko Kherson State University, Faculty of Pedagogy, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Preschool and Primary Education Ukraine, Kherson, st. University;, Ukraine
  • Natalia Sydorenko Kherson State University, Faculty of Pedagogy, Department of Theory and Methods of Preschool and Primary Education, Ukraine, Kherson, st. University, 27;, Ukraine



self-educational activity, distance education, self-educational skills, self-education of students, arrangement of distance education, self-educational competence.


Today's conditions witnesses to the need of humankind for specialists with a wide range and content of deep knowledge and skills who are fully competent in their professional activity and social life, able to self-education. Distance education, in contrast to extra-mural tuition, allows you to study at any distance from the educational institution. At pedagogical faculties, the task arose to prepare the future teacher and to create the normative and motivational-value components of a personality of future specialists. In the context of the outlined range of problems, it is important to teach the students of pedagogical faculties within the dynamic changes, so they will be able to increase their potential during self-educational activity. This is the actual reason to form self-educational competence in future teachers. The arrangement of self-educational activity of future teachers is a marker of a high level of education in general. In the absence of self-educational skills and the ability to acquire knowledge independently, it becomes impossible to create the experience of a scientific arrangement of educational work. Accordingly, this fact will significantly affect the training of highly qualified teaching staff. At the international level, the educational methodology includes the competency-based approach in the achievement of the educational outcomes. Besides, the competence, in its turn, is a measure of a person’s education, where the emphasis is placed on the outcomes of the study, the ability to apply the acquired knowledge and skills creatively. Our study allows us to state that several pedagogical conditions to create the self-educational activity (motivation, stimulation and research activity) should be essential in forming the self-educational activity forstudents of pedagogical faculties. Thoroughly analysis of the essence, characteristic features, principles and content of self-education as well as its specifics in higher educational institutions, allows us to conclude that the students of pedagogical faculties must understand the personal and social importance of self-education, possess the values, motivation and have the internal necessity of systematic renewal and enrichment of professional knowledge, develop emotional and volitional mechanisms in overcoming the difficulties and, also, they should have the entire body of self-educational skills.

Author Biographies

Nataliia Borisenko, Kherson State University, Faculty of Pedagogy, Department of Theory and Methods of Preschool and Primary Education Ukraine, Kherson, st. University 27;

PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,

Iryna Hrytsenko, Kherson State University, Faculty of Pedagogy, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Preschool and Primary Education Ukraine, Kherson, st. University, 27;

hD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

Veronika Denysenko, Kherson State University, Faculty of Pedagogy, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Preschool and Primary Education Ukraine, Kherson, st. University;

PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,

Natalia Sydorenko, Kherson State University, Faculty of Pedagogy, Department of Theory and Methods of Preschool and Primary Education, Ukraine, Kherson, st. University, 27;

PhD in Philological Sciences, Associate Professor,


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How to Cite

Borisenko, N., Hrytsenko, I., Denysenko, V., & Sydorenko, N. (2020). CREATING SKILLS IN SELF-EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY FOR STUDENTS OF PEDAGOGICAL FACULTIES IN DISTANCE EDUCATION. Social Work and Education, 7(3), 325–337.

