


lockdown, elderly people, social services, social justice, emergency, resources, social workers, professional interaction.


One of the modern challenges for the practice of social work has been the COVID-19 pandemic, which has direct and indirect social consequences. Our intelligence is designed to draw attention to the specifics of the activities of social workers in Ukraine who provided social services to the elderly (the group recognized as most vulnerable to COVID-19), under severe quarantine restrictions, or lockdown. The study was conducted according to the methodology of "rapid appraisal" (rapid appraisal), which involves achieving a preliminary understanding of the situation, identifying the most acute problems and available solutions. During August 2020, 11 representatives of the administrative staff of the territorial centers of social services (provision of social services) in Kyiv and Dnipro were interviewed. The study identified a number of problems in the activities of the centers due to quarantine restrictive measures: the need to purchase hygiene products; difficulties with the arrival of employees to work, food delivery, restrictions on the provision of social services in the center; increasing the workload due to personnel changes, filling in additional documents, providing explanations to clients, etc. The answers of the respondents also give grounds to note the positive changes in the activity of the centers due to the change of the usual format of providing services: mastery of remote forms of communication by employees, in particular, their use of communication in group chats adjustment of the work schedule of social workers and workers; receiving in-kind assistance in the form of food, hygiene products from retail chains, charitable foundations for low-income single elderly people and people with disabilities who belonged to the high-risk group; involving volunteers in helping clients and ensuring the work of employees. The study of Ukrainian and international experience shows that the response to the challenges of a difficult situation depends on local characteristics and mostly on human resources - work organization and professional adaptability. An important role here is the preparation of social workers to act in extreme and emergency situations, the availability of standard procedures, protocols and resources for use in emergencies, understanding the need to adhere to the principles of social justice and solidarity. At the same time, in the conditions of quarantine measures, the development of the ability to self-analysis, professional reflection, introduction of practices of professional interaction, formation of networks of professional support acquires special urgency.

Author Biographies

Olena Karagodina, Academy of Labour, Social Relations and Tourism, Kyiv , Ukraine

Dr. in Medical Science, Professor, Head of Social Work and Applied Psychology Department,

Oksana Pozhydaieva, Academy of Labour, Social Relations and Tourism, Kyiv, Ukraine

PhD in Pedagogical Science, Associate Professor of Social Work and Applied Psychology Department,

Tetyana Semigina, Academy of Labour, Social Relations and Tourism, Kyiv, Ukraine

Dr. in Political Science, Professor, Professor of Social Work and Applied Psychology Department,


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How to Cite

Karagodina, O., Pozhydaieva, O., & Semigina, T. (2020). PRACTICE OF SOCIAL WORK IN THE CONDITIONS OF QUARANTINE RESTRICTIVE MEASURES: RAPID APPRAISAL AND LESSONS. Social Work and Education, 7(4), 452–465.

