social expectations, future orientation, adolescents and youth, prospects for implementation, war and postwar periodAbstract
The current state of research of the phenomenon of social expectations is analyzed, which made it possible to highlight the essence and features of social expectations of adolescents and young people. It is established that the existence of different approaches to understanding the concept of «social expectations of young people» is a reflection of the evolution of the phenomenon itself. The concept of «social expectations» does not have a clear theoretical and methodological definition, which complicates the implementation of the procedure of monitoring and evaluation of its results, in particular in martial law and postwar. It was found that the determinants of their implementation may be the characteristics of the young person (age, gender, region and place of residence). It is shown that the focus on the future reflects promising areas of realization of social expectations. Taking into account the threats and challenges of martial law and post-war future orientation of young people leads to changes in values (education, work and career, cooperation, service), social (equality, social justice, national identity, patriotism, helping others), life (sustainability, strategic, self-efficacy, locus of control) and family (marriage, family and parenthood) perspectives. The purpose of the study: to analyze modern theoretical approaches to understanding the phenomenon of «social expectations of young people» and identify promising areas of social expectations related to the measurement of threats and challenges of the war and postwar period. The results of the study provide a theoretical expansion of the construct of «social expectations» by finding indicators of specific characteristics and factors of their formation, taking into account age, gender, environmental and regional aspects.References
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