The potential of public administration in social work in military conditions in Ukraine




social services, internally displaced persons (IDPs), persons in difficult life circumstances (PDLC), social work, combatants, public administration


The development of modern society in Ukraine requires a certain model of social work, which must be able to meet the needs of a larger number of clients. Social work, like any other type of professional activity, requires appropriate management. In this regard, the question arises about the theoretical justification and practical material support of the social work management system to meet the specific clients’ needs. In modern conditions, the idea of introducing public administration into social work is becoming increasingly relevant. There is an urgent need to develop public administration in the social work to provide assistance to various categories of clients, and in the context of military aggression on the part of Russia, it becomes relevant to develop a model of public administration in the field of social work with the most vulnerable categories of clients under martial law. The article defines the potential possibilities of public administration in the system of social work in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine. The social efficiency of public administration in the field of social work at the regional and local levels and the level of UTC was revealed. The possibilities of public administration in the relevant areas of social work with vulnerable categories of the population are identified: social work with combatants, social work with internally displaced persons (IDPs), social work with families in the difficult life circumstance (DLC) (population of the occupied and front-line territories). The mechanisms of public administration in the system of social work under martial law are singled out: legal, material and financial, social and managerial, institutional, information and communication. A conceptual model of public administration in the system of social work under martial law in Ukraine has been developed, the structural elements of which are: levels of public administration; mechanisms of public administration, social subjects of public administration in social work, areas of social work with vulnerable categories of clients under martial law, functions of public administration in various areas of social work.

Author Biographies

Vasyl Popovych, National University «Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic», Zaporizhzhia

Doctor of Philosophy Science, Professor, Professor of the Department of Social Work and Psychology

Yana Popovych, National University «Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic», Zaporizhzhia

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of General Legal and Political Sciences


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How to Cite

Popovych, V., & Popovych, Y. . (2022). The potential of public administration in social work in military conditions in Ukraine. Social Work and Education, 9(3), 370–382.

