Pedagogical system of training future primary school teachers to use innovative technologies: methodological principles


  • Marianna Ostrovska Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College , Ukraine



professional readiness, pedagogical system, methodological principles, future teachers, innovative pedagogical technologies


In today's conditions of significant transformations in the social, political, economic and spiritual spheres of public life, the main task is to create a viable education system, its democratization and humanization. This, in turn, is aimed at providing every citizen with opportunities for continuous spiritual self-improvement, creative self-realization, and satisfaction of intellectual and cultural needs of the individual. Society's need for proactive, authoritative, comprehensively educated professionals capable of further development and self-study, spiritual and professional improvement actualizes the social order for the training of teachers of a new generation, capable of applying the latest achievements of pedagogical theory and practice in the process of creative self-realization, building a personal dialogue with students. The new concept of higher education envisages the development of students' ability to learn independently, consciously and responsibly, as well as the creation of the necessary conditions in educational institutions for the development of students' creative abilities, the education of a personality capable of self-development both during higher education and in further professional activities. This is why there is a need for a scientifically based design of training future youth for professional teaching, and why researchers are looking for effective ways to improve the training of specialists in higher education, to create conditions that stimulate students' professional growth. The late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries saw scientific and technological progress and the technologization of not only many industries, but also the cultural and humanitarian fields of knowledge. Today, the term "technology" is also used in the field of education. At the same time, the growing requirements for teacher training require qualitatively new theoretical and methodological approaches to training students that will allow them to master not only the basics of science and professional skills, but also new pedagogical achievements and innovative technologies in a higher education institution. Successful mastery of innovative pedagogical technologies by bachelors and masters will help them to organically engage in pedagogical activities and immediately begin practical application of scientific knowledge at school.

Author Biography

Marianna Ostrovska , Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Ferenc Rakoczi II Transcarpathian Hungarian College, 90202, Koshuta Square, 6, Beregovo


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How to Cite

Ostrovska , M. . (2023). Pedagogical system of training future primary school teachers to use innovative technologies: methodological principles. Social Work and Education, 10(1), 111–122.

