Validation of Ukrainian language versions of gender bias detection inventorie
sexism, ambivalent sexism, gender biases, gender stereotypes, Bem Sex-Role Inventory, Ambivalent Sexism Inventory, Ambivalence Toward Men ІnventoryAbstract
One of the most common research tools for studying sexism is Sandra Bem's Gender Role Inventory and Peter Glick and Susan Fiske's Ambivalent Sexism Inventory. The aim of our work is to translate the original questionnaire texts for studying gender biases into Ukrainian and to conduct their validation with both professionals and social work clients. The validation of the translated research tools was carried out at the Kyiv Municipal Center for Social Services and included three focus groups with 23 professionals (social workers, psychologists) and a survey of 83 candidates for creating family education forms who underwent training at the center. Mathematical processing of the results was carried out using the IBM SPSS Statistics program, using comparative, descriptive, and correlation analysis. During the work with the questionnaires, participants in the study did not have difficulties in understanding the statements contained in the questionnaires or using the questionnaire keys. Analysis of the survey results using our translation of the S. Bem questionnaire indicates that almost one-third of respondents' answers about women contain high scores on the femininity scale, while their responses about men score high on the masculinity scale. The respondents' answers suggest that their perceptions of women and men as androgynous personalities are complemented by sex-typed perceptions of their qualities. This may indicate support for the candidates for creating family education forms with ambivalent sexism views. The use of the Glick and Fiske questionnaires revealed that respondents demonstrate more benevolent than hostile sexism. At the same time, the level of hostile and benevolent sexism was higher in men than in women. Validation of the Ukrainian versions of two questionnaires in focus groups with professionals and during the survey of candidates for creating family education forms confirmed the possibility of using adapted Ukrainian versions to study gender biases in Ukraine.References
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