Institutions of professional higher education as a condition for successful personality development




self-development of personality, extracurricular activities, institutions of vocational pre-higher education, social work, social worker


The article considers the constituent conditions of self-determination of future social workers in the environment of institutions of professional pre-higher education. The modern level of extra-primary activities in the institution of vocational pre-higher education has been revealed. Special forms and methods of working with students of vocational pre-university education were analyzed and substantiated. The list of necessary conditions for the formation of the system of theoretical knowledge, practical abilities and skills necessary for the effective realization of oneself as an individual in the process of professional training is given in the applicants of vocational education; promoting the development and formation of personal qualities that will contribute to the formation of oneself as a specialist in the social sphere. The purpose of the article was to identify the need to understand the problems of professional training and put forward special requirements for the training of specialists capable of solving social problems. Considerable attention is paid to the problems of extracurricular activities, on the basis of the analysis, the strengths of professional pre-higher education are highlighted, the expediency of using effective methods of extracurricular activities is clarified. She main tasks are defined as follows: to identify and generalize the components of professional self-development as one of the complex forms of transformation of the inner world, which occurs in the process of self-movement of a person along his life path, on which a person knows himself, builds himself, understands the essence of his functioning; to investigate the peculiarities of vocational pre-university education as a focus for personal development on self-building, professional self-determination for the successful growth of professionals in the social sphere. Based on the results of the generalized analysis, it was concluded that the effectiveness and expediency of extracurricular activities is possible under the condition of purposeful activity of the students of professional preliminary higher education, and this, in turn, requires the study and staging of an experiment for self-evaluation and self-affirmation of future social workers as professionals. The conclusions confirmed the substantiation of the necessary pedagogical conditions for improving the quality of extracurricular activities in the environment of institutions of professional pre-higher education regarding future social workers in the conditions of globalization.

Author Biographies

Olena Karpenko , Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv

doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of the Department of Social Pedagogy and Social Work, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Kyiv

Victoria Ostapchuk, СП Житомирський технологічний фаховий коледж КНУБА, м.Житомир

teacher, chairman of the cycle design and social work commission, Zhytomyr


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How to Cite

Karpenko , O. ., & Ostapchuk, V. . (2023). Institutions of professional higher education as a condition for successful personality development. Social Work and Education, 10(2), 224–231.

