Features of the training of specialists in the social and pedagogical sphere for the prevention of deviant behavior of minor children: foreign and ukrainian experience





professional training, specialist in the social and pedagogical sphere, social worker, social pedagogue, minors, deviant behavior, prevention, higher education institution, educational and professional program


Modern social and economic and socio-pedagogical realities in Ukraine have put on the agenda the necessity and expediency of purposeful training of future social workers and social pedagogues to prevent deviant behavior of minors. After all, the presence of deviant forms of behavior among minors, as the most vulnerable socio-demographic group, poses a threat to the stability, security and progress of society. Therefore, prevention, early detection, localization of antisocial phenomena, minimizing their negative consequences and creating optimally favorable conditions for successful socialization of the individual should become a priority area of activity of specialists whose professional activities are related to children and youth. The author substantiates the feasibility of a systematic approach to improving the professional training of future specialists in the social and pedagogical sphere in the context of global priorities of social work and the modern interpretation of the mission of social and pedagogical activity as an important mechanism for the implementation of social policy tasks regarding the creation of favorable conditions for life, life support and life fulfillment of all members of society and humanization of the system of social relations. The mechanism of ensuring the cognitive-technological component of the readiness of future specialists to combine the resources and efforts of all socio-pedagogical institutions in order to create optimally favorable conditions for the socialization and social education of minors and the use of innovative models and technologies for the prevention and prevention of deviant behavior in them is revealed. Possibilities of improving educational and professional programs for training future social work specialists and social pedagogues to carry out preventive work in the children's and youth environment, relying on the strengths and resources of civil society, social institutions, territorial communities, pedagogical teams, parents, family members, public and volunteer associations.

Author Biography

Vira Polishchuk, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagogical University, Ternopil

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Department of Social Work and Management of Socio-Cultural Activities


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How to Cite

Polishchuk, V. . (2023). Features of the training of specialists in the social and pedagogical sphere for the prevention of deviant behavior of minor children: foreign and ukrainian experience. Social Work and Education, 10(2), 157–166. https://doi.org/10.25128/2520-6230.23.2.1

