Professional self-development of a person as the evolution of his subject potential




self-development, professional self-development, subject potential, work, motivation, values, professional self-determination, professional choice, professional self-actualization, professional self-realization, creativity


In the article, professional self-development is considered as a human activity during which subject potential changes. This allows you to see the logic of the formation of the personality of the profession in a new way. Data from sociological research served as the basis for revealing the specifics of work motivation of young people at the stage of professional self-determination, professional self-actualization, and professional self-realization. The contradiction between external and internal motivational and value factors of professional self-development is revealed. The dynamism of the socio-economic situation of modern Ukrainian society requires professional flexibility from a person. Professional self-actualization today does not look like a linear process of achievements within the once chosen profession. Motivation for constant growth and self-improvement ensures professional mobility: professional development, development of related specialties, and, if necessary, a change of profession. A person realizes his vocation to be himself in various fields of activity - industrial, scientific, artistic, managerial, pedagogical and others, the basis of which is work. For the professional self-actualization of an individual, labor activity is fundamental. The understanding of work as a sphere of human self-actualization leads to the need to create such a quality of working life that would contribute to a person's disclosure of his subjects. A person is not simply "integrated" into the system of labor relations as an object, a kind of "screw", but reveals himself as a subject of a specific professional activity, with certain requirements for work, aimed at satisfying a wide range of needs and actualizing abilities. A person's labor activity, which is especially characterized by joint work with other people, allows meeting various social needs of a person in cognition, communication, developing cognitive, communicative and other abilities. The proposed approach is of great importance not only for the theory of professional self-development of the individual, but also for solving practical tasks of increasing the effectiveness of professional education.

Author Biography

Maryna Voloshenko , Odesa Polytechnic National University

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology and Social Work, Odesa Polytechnic National University


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How to Cite

Voloshenko , M. (2023). Professional self-development of a person as the evolution of his subject potential. Social Work and Education, 10(3), 336–347.

