Domestic and foreign experience of forming research competences of participants in the educational process




foreign experience, research competences, secondary school, students, teachers


The article examines the peculiarities of mutual education of pedagogical workers abroad. The forms of work on the formation of scientific and research competences of teachers in the European scientific school of the CERN nuclear research center are described. The directions of cooperation between CERN and the Minor Academy of Sciences through the operation of online schools for teachers, school and extra-curricular education workers have been determined. The directions of offline and online cooperation of representatives of the international scientific school in the United States of America at the Argonne National Laboratory and pedagogical workers of the national laboratory of the Minor Academy of Sciences are presented. For scientific schools, the peculiarities of the formation of scientific and research competences of teachers undergoing internship at the Argonne National Laboratory are indicated. The features of improving the qualifications of pedagogical workers in the countries of the European Union and the formation of their scientific and research competences for the purpose of further training of students in research activities in institutions of general secondary education are revealed. The reasons for the popularity of improving the qualifications of pedagogical workers in the countries of the European Union, which offer teachers to undergo internships on the basis of educational institutions for the purpose of forming their scientific and research competences, further training of students in research activities, are reflected. Innovations in the cooperation of the participants of the educational process in author's schools, scientific and pedagogical schools, which reflect the main world trends, are presented. In order to determine modern methods of formation of scientific and research competences of pedagogical workers, the methods of their professional growth, which are used in educational institutions abroad, were analyzed. Directions for improving the level of teaching of teachers in Austria due to the possibilities of the websites of educational institutions and the websites of the federal states have been identified. The principles of managing adult education, non-formal and informal education in Great Britain, Germany, and France are considered. Prospective directions for the organization of the activities of participants in the educational process have been determined.

Author Biography

Nataliia Ivanytska, Chernihiv general school І-ІІІ degrees №35

Chernihiv general head master school І-ІІІ degrees №35, PhD of pedagogical sciences, Nezalezhnosti street 42-A, Chernihiv, Ukraine;


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How to Cite

Ivanytska, N. . (2023). Domestic and foreign experience of forming research competences of participants in the educational process. Social Work and Education, 10(3), 361–370.

