The potential of innovative technologies in the formation of professional culture in future managers in the process of professional training in institutions of higher education




professional culture, formation of professional culture, future managers, innovative technologies, endowment, equipment, resilience


The article updates the need to research the potential of innovative technologies in the formation of professional culture among future managers in the process of professional training in institutions of higher education. It is noted that the professional culture includes various models of behavior in the conditions of professional activity, as well as such aspects of the general culture of the individual as literacy, competence, spirituality, tolerance, etc. The structural components of the manager's professional culture are characterized: personal, cognitive, operational. Attention is focused on the fact that the formation of the professional culture of managers is a rather complex process, since in the course of performing his duties, the manager simultaneously acts as both a subject and an object of management. Innovative technologies that can be successfully used in the process of forming the professional culture of a future manager in a higher education institution include empowerment and resilience. pragmatic aspects of management, and socio-psychological, personal components of professional activity. It was concluded that the empowerment-approach in training a manager allows to activate his strong personal and professional sides, to increase managerial efficiency in social interactions, to form resistance to professional burnout; the use of resilience technology ensures the absence of deviations in the adaptation and trajectory of the future manager's professional development, the stability of his functioning in extreme situations, the prevention of psychological disorders, in particular, emotional burnout.

Author Biography

Mykhailo Yatsura , Mukachevo State University, Mukachevo

Applicant of the third (Educational and Scientific) Level of Higher Education Specialty 015 “Vocational Education (by specialization)”, Mukachevo State University, Mukachevo


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How to Cite

Yatsura , M. . (2023). The potential of innovative technologies in the formation of professional culture in future managers in the process of professional training in institutions of higher education. Social Work and Education, 10(3), 393–400.

