Features of social work with refugees during military conflict





migration, international migration, migrant, foreigner, refugee, outcast, social work with migrants


The article updates the specifics of the issue of refugee migration during the war in Ukraine. Therefore, the purpose of the article is the need to provide timely social assistance to migrants in Slovakia. The purpose of the article is to analyze the migration and subsequent integration of Ukrainian refugees in Slovakia during the military conflict in Ukraine through the lens of social work. This article consists of two parts. The first part is dedicated to the migration of Ukrainian refugees in Slovakia during the military conflict in Ukraine. In this part of the scientific article, the authors analyze migration, namely forced migration in Slovakia. The issue of integration of refugees within the framework of the military conflict and the problems of adaptation of refugees in Slovakia from the point of view of social work are highlighted. Based on this, in the second part of the article, the authors present a research project aimed at clarifying the problems faced by refugees from Ukraine in Slovakia. Part of the quantitative research was an analysis of the needs of refugees from Ukraine who arrived in Slovakia due to the military conflict. The research topic becomes especially relevant in light of the events taking place in Ukraine today. The scale of forced migration is a phenomenon that can also be observed in Slovakia. Migrants and their families currently need social assistance, which is possible only if the network of international institutions of social work, which take into account the current situation and its peculiarities, is functioning. To date, the social protection bodies of the population carry out multi-faceted work with displaced persons. Social workers help each person who applied to solve personal social, economic, legal and other problems, contribute to the creation or restoration of necessary social ties. The subject of the analysis are publicly available regulatory documents and the results of international research. These problems have already been repeatedly discussed at international forums and international cooperation has arisen from these problems. The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the International Organization for Migration and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe made an extremely important contribution to the organization of such cooperation.

Author Biographies

Beáta BALOGOVÁ, Presov University in Prešov

PhD., MBA, Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy, Presov University in Prešov

Yuliia KOVALCHUK, Presov University in Prešov

graduate student Presov University in Prešov, Slovakia


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How to Cite

BALOGOVÁ, B. ., & KOVALCHUK, Y. (2023). Features of social work with refugees during military conflict. Social Work and Education, 10(4), 429–437. https://doi.org/10.25128/2520-6230.23.4.1

