Strategies of educational and social intervention in conditions of vulnerability: Ukraine, memory and hope




educational strategy, social work, solidarity actions, service training, Ukraine


With the start of the war in Ukraine in 2014, or rather its second phase from 2022, it led to the largest displacement of population on European territory since the Second World War (UNHCR). The EU has strengthened its policy of assisting refugees in various EU member states with the aim of promoting better social and legal protection for persons of Ukrainian origin. In this context, the aim of this article is to present the experience of solidarity actions in the university environment and the social actors who have intervened in this situation through educational strategies, training and services (A&S), as well as the analysis of the model of providing social services through Reception, Care and Referral Centers of Displaced Ukrainians (CREADE) at the Spanish Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration. Several conclusions can be drawn from this experience of educational and social work: the coordinated implementation and subsequent evaluation of joint plans and actions of social services at the local and community levels improves the impact on the model of social assistance, and therefore on the well-being of displaced persons, because they feel that their needs are met and that they are cared for, regardless of the situation in which they find themselves; greater involvement in the process is achieved by assessing the needs of the affected people themselves; and the values of citizenship and social responsibility are strengthened through solidarity and learning activities through socio-educational strategies using the Learning and Service (A&S) methodology.

Author Biographies

Francisco Javier GARCÍA-CASTILLA, National University of Distance Education (UNED)

Professor of Social Work, Faculty of Law, Department of Social Work, National University of Distance Education (UNED), Spain

Maryana RADVANSKA, Association of Ukrainians of Segovia, Spain

President of the Association of Ukrainians of Segovia, Spain

Rafael Acebes VALENTÍN, National University of Distance Education (UNED)

coordinator of community centers of the city council of Segovia, Spain, Professor, National University of Distance Education (UNED), Spain


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How to Cite

GARCÍA-CASTILLA, F. J., RADVANSKA, M., & VALENTÍN, R. A. (2023). Strategies of educational and social intervention in conditions of vulnerability: Ukraine, memory and hope. Social Work and Education, 10(4), 458–471.

