Coaching as an innovative technology for student-centered learning in higher education institutions




student-centered approach, coaching, technology, educational technology, educational coaching, soft skills


The article explores the fundamental principles of a student-centered approach as a foundational element of the Bologna Process and coaching principles as an innovative teaching technology. The main coaching competencies are presented from the perspective of the educational process and the role of the teacher as a partner. The main components of coaching as an innovative educational category are identified and grouped into a resulting table that can be used as instructional materials when implementing coaching in the educational process. The article proposes the main stages of introducing coaching technology into the educational process of higher education institutions in Ukraine in order to comply with the requirements of the Bologna Process and to enhance the quality of education in line with the demands of contemporary societal realities. The purpose of the article is to define the essence and role of coaching as an innovative teaching technology in a student-centered approach. It explores key aspects of coaching as an educational technology and elements of transforming the role of the teacher into that of a coach and partner. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set: investigate the conceptual features of a student-centered approach, identify coaching principles that align with the concept of student-centered learning, present a coaching model as an innovative teaching technology, outline directions for the development of the coaching teaching model in higher education institutions. The research employs theoretical methods (analysis, synthesis, abstraction, explanation, qualification) and empirical research methods. In conclusion, it is emphasized that the introduction of coaching as a teaching technology in higher education institutions in Ukraine can be an effective tool for enhancing the quality of education and student development.

Author Biography

Oleksandra HUBAR, Сherkasy state technological University

PhD of Economic Sciences, coach (life, business), member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), associate professor of the Department of Social Welfare, Сherkasy state technological University, Ukraine


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How to Cite

HUBAR, O. (2023). Coaching as an innovative technology for student-centered learning in higher education institutions. Social Work and Education, 10(4), 542–553.

