Project activity in the educational process of future information processing and software operators on the basis of the competence approach




future information and software processing operators, professional (vocational and technical) education, educational process, competence approach, creating a project


The article actualizes the problem of project activity in the educational process of future information processing operators and software on the basis of a competent approach. Modern scientific approaches to the interpretation of the concept of «pro-activity» are analyzed. It has been found that the main development of professional (vocational-technical) education in European integration is the preparation of mobile, competitive qualification workers, ready for productive professional activity (in a particular profession) and professional realization and career growth throughout life. It is emphasized that the preparedness of future specialists for transformations in society, which is caused by entry into the European educational and world space, is determined by proper pedagogical educational activities (purpose, goals, approaches, content, principles, stages, methods, forms, means, conditions, components, criteria) of educational institutions. It is determined that prose activity is an effective method of educational process that simulates professional activity and determines the formation and development of professional skills, creative abilities, specific skills of activity and research. It is determined that one of the ways of bringing and gaining skills and skills is to create favorable conditions for the development of every future specialist, enhancement of cognitive activity and intellectual potential, initiative, individual abilities, creative and creative activity to enhance practical training through the implementation on the basis of a competent approach. it is concluded that the value of projected activity is manifested in increasing the positive motivation, systematization and integration of subject knowledge and skills, deepening the role of self-education, self-study, self-development; mastering the skills of applying theoretical knowledge to the practical solution of specific tasks; deepening the achievements of independence of constructing one's own knowledge and competencies, improving personal abilities; the acquisition of professional competences of individuals and increased adaptation to professional activity are caused; expanding research and professional experience.

Author Biography

Tetyana MOCHAN, Mukachevo State University, Mukachevo

candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor, associate professor of the department of theory and methodology of primary education, Mukachevo state university, Mukachevo, Ukraine;


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How to Cite

MOCHAN, T. (2024). Project activity in the educational process of future information processing and software operators on the basis of the competence approach. Social Work and Education, 10(4), 566–574.

