Security of internally displaced persons: a comprehensive approach to protection and support
security, physical security, internally displaced persons, psychological security, financial security, social security, informational security, legal securityAbstract
The article analyzes various types of security, such as physical, psychological, financial, social, informational and legal security, emphasizing their importance for the stability and well-being of internally displaced persons. Physical security, being a fundamental need, is viewed through the perspective of access to housing, food, medical care, and protection from violence. It is found that conducting gender safety audits is one way to enhance physical security. Psychological security highlights the necessity of psychological support and access to counseling and services that assist internally displaced persons in adapting to new living conditions and reducing stress and anxiety levels. Financial security involves access to financial resources and employment, which are essential for people's livelihoods in new environments. Social security includes ensuring social protection, access to social services, and support in cases of unemployment and disability. Informational security focuses on protecting personal data and confidential information, as well as on the skills to avoid cybercrimes and fraud. Legal security emphasizes the significance of access to legal assistance, safeguarding the rights of internally displaced persons, and ensuring that their rights are upheld. The article also explores the opportunities provided by various organizations and institutions to ensure these forms of security, stressing that creating conditions and opportunities for providing physical, psychological, financial, social, informational, and legal security to those in need is a crucial step towards successful integration and adaptation in new communities. This approach enhances the quality of life for internally displaced persons and contributes to the overall strengthening of society.
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