Structural and functional space of social management practices in the management system of social work




social work, social service, social management, social work management, social practice, social-management practice, structural-functional space


The article defines the dimensions of the structural and functional space of social management practices in the social work management system. The management of social work is presented as a practical management activity, as a system of social work management at the macro, meso, and micro levels, as a process of planning, motivation, implementation, and control of management decisions. Social management practices in the management system of social work act as ways of implementing social management actions that are formed as a result of the interactions of social management subjects in the field of social service provision. The dimensions of the formation, reproduction and implementation of social management practices, which create a complete structural and functional space in the management system of social work, which are implemented in cognitive-interpretive, value-motivational, procedural-organizational, communicative and activity-organizational dimensions, are highlighted and analyzed. The analysis of various sociological approaches to the interpretation of "social practice" made it possible to distinguish social-management practices as cognitive-interpretive, value-motivational, procedural-organizational, communicative, and activity-organizational, which act as an integral structural-functional space of social-management practices in the management of social work. The study singled out three main models of social management practices in the management system of social work at the regional and local (territorial community) levels of management: administrative model; model of organizational development of the region/community; model of partnership interaction of social management subjects. It was analyzed that social interaction reflects the relationship between individuals and social groups, between social groups and organizations of different levels of its functioning as a system, and therefore lies at the basis of the management system, which is carried out through the social management practices of the governing subjects, according to socially acceptable values - normative and status-role models of behavior in society in a certain space and time.

Author Biographies

Vasyl Popovych, National University «Zaporizhzhia Polytechnic», Zaporizhzhia

Doctor of Philosophy Science, Professor of the Department of Social Work and Psychology

Tetiana Novak, Національний університет «Запорізька політехніка», Запоріжжя

Graduate student of the Department of Social Work and Psychology


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How to Cite

Popovych, V. ., & Novak, T. (2023). Structural and functional space of social management practices in the management system of social work. Social Work and Education, 9(4), 465–477.

