

career, professional career, career resource, professional success, youth.


The article is dedicated to the investigation of the significance of professional career for today's youth. It has been analyzed the concept of "career" and defined its essence. It has been established that career is a measure of individual professional life, a dynamic process that is constantly changing and developing. The criteria for career satisfaction are the life situation and social success. It has been analyzed the knowledge of youth about professional career. We identified the main features of young professional career characteristics in the views of the three objects: pupils, students and young workers. Pupils characterized the professional career from the point of views of a prevalence of the good friendship criterion; focus on their parents’ / relatives’, friends’ achievements; the desire for professional success. Professional career in perceptions of students is characterized by a predominance of "traditional" ways of achieving it - education, professionalism, hard work. Professional career in the views of young workers is characterized by a focus on achieving friends, colleagues, the desire for professional success, the advantage of "traditional" way to achieve professional career. The result of theoretical analysis and empirical research of the issue it has been highlighted the typology of views on today's youth professional career. At the heart of typology lay the following features: subjective evaluation of the success of the life and degree of realization of the planned objectives, tasks. It has been discovered the views of young people on the ways and key determinants of achieving professional career. To the important determinants in achieving professional career young people refer: personal knowledge, the ability to make unconventional decisions, originality of thinking in professional work and attitude to life, responsibility, organization, and help other people. It is concluded that the main features of behavior in relation to professional careers building for pupils is the focus on the external self, for student – internal self-determination, for young workers – pprofessional fulfillment.

Author Biography

Olha Hlavatska, Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatyuk National Pedagogical University

Ph.D., Associate professor of Social Pedagogy and Social Work Department


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How to Cite

Hlavatska, O. (2016). THE CHARACTERISTIC OF YOUTHS’ VIEWS ON PROFESSIONAL CAREER. Social Work and Education, 3(2), 73–80. Retrieved from

