M. Makarenko, O. Nosovska, A. Kravchenko. The level of professional training of seamen of the merchant fleet as the main factor in reducing the accident rate at sea.


  • Марина Василівна Макаренко Азовський морський інститут, м. Маріуполь, Ukraine
  • Оксана Борисівна Носовська Азовський морський інститут, м. Маріуполь, Ukraine
  • Алла Вікторівна Кравченко Азовський морський інститут, м. Маріуполь, Ukraine




professional training of seamen, human factor, maritime training institutions, marine personnel, officers and rank and file personnel.


The article proves that the development of personnel in the Navy is a necessary component of the professional training of future naval officers. The result of successful application of the methods of personnel management should be assistance to managers, officers and top managers to create such a communication environment on board that will minimize all risks of emergency and emergency situations, will eliminate most of the causes of accidents. World experience for many years proves that the level of efficiency and safety of shipping of goods and passengers depends mainly on people who work on ships. And, mainly, from the command staff, which must be properly prepared in accordance with international requirements for the performance of official duties. The article emphasizes that the increasing concern of the maritime administrations and ship owners is caused by the ever increasing shortage of highly skilled ship officers who are able to ensure the proper operation of modern vessels. The main problem of the international maritime community remains the negative impact of the human factor on the safety of the functioning of world shipping. It is noted that the unquestionable fact is that the high qualifications of the crew members and the excellent professional training of future personnel will reduce the accident rate at sea. Studies have shown that China, the Philippines, India, Ukraine, Russia and Indonesia are the leading labor supplying countries on board. It is these countries that account for the lion's share of all maritime personnel. All these countries have educational institutions that are called upon to train qualified workers for world shipping.


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How to Cite

Макаренко, М. В., Носовська, О. Б., & Кравченко, А. В. (2017). M. Makarenko, O. Nosovska, A. Kravchenko. The level of professional training of seamen of the merchant fleet as the main factor in reducing the accident rate at sea. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (34), 259–266. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.34.2017.129269


