Frolova Z. Perspective’s of the development of anti-crisis Donbass.


  • Зинаїда Василівна Фролова Государственное высшее учебное заведение «Приазовский государственный технический университет», г. Мариуполь., Ukraine



crisis, innovative development, innovation, perspectives of the regions.


Нistorical aspects over are in-process brought, showing meaningfulness of the Donetsk region for the economy of country. The estimation of modern industrial potential of region is done. Aspiration of industrial enterprises of Donbas to innovative activity and attempt of her realization is shown in the modern terms of crisis. It is marked that, the crisis phenomena in the Donetsk region in the last few years purchased system character. This is due, on the one hand, because of the negative price situation in the world markets of steel products, and on the other, because of the military-political situation. Paid attention to that the special status of Donbas envisages realization of projects on renewal only of civil infrastructure of region, while the necessity of state support is traced also and industrial enterprises of Donbas, many of that are city-forming. It is noted that during the years of crisis center of the innovation system development of industrial economy of Donbass moved to the primary level of economic complex - on firms, companies, corporations, joint stock companies. The article analyzes the different forms of innovation in production, requiring different levels of state support. In particular, it states that the forms of upgrade production facilities specific to certain enterprises of mechanical engineering, with short periods of implementation, require low additional cost. Then the problem of implementation does not cause much difficulty, and government support could be in the form of creation of favorable investment conditions. While other form of innovation, characteristic for the majority of enterprises of Donbass, is carried out by technical upgrading, reconstruction and expansion of existing and construction of new plants. In this case, spent huge amounts of money on upgrading the production apparatus, and here, the provision of tax incentives would be a good additional stimulus to accelerate the transformation of such innovation. The paper concluded that, in spite of the crisis situation in the Donetsk region, those companies that do not fall into the zone of active hostilities, continue to work and develop, using an innovative strategy. And in order to help industry Donbass successfully get out of the protracted crisis, the political will of the government.


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How to Cite

Фролова, З. В. (2016). Frolova Z. Perspective’s of the development of anti-crisis Donbass. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, 1(31), 98–102.


