Goroshkova L., Volkov V. Model of life cycle of condominium.


  • Лідія Анатоліївна Горошкова ДВНЗ "Запорізький національний університет", Ukraine
  • Володимир Петрович Волков ДВНЗ "Запорізький національний університет", Ukraine




market power, indexes, competition, monopoly, monopolistic level, аssociation of the co-owners of multiroom houses, housing and municipal services


In article modeling the basic parameters functioning of a control system of housing and municipalservices is carried out on the basis of structures self-management with the purpose of construction optimum. The parameters of life cycle of such structures are determined.The importance of definition of the sizes of associations of the coowners of a multiroom house (condominium) and opportunity of creation of a sufficient level of their organization is proved which will ensure an opportunity of the coordinated actions concerning natural monopoly - housing and municipalservices. Is shown what to optimize a situation in the market housing and municipalservices probably by creation monopsony of the consumers, as alternatives to monopoly of the sellers with simultaneous gradual transition from monopoly to oligopoly of the sellers housing and municipalservices. Is proved, that the market of the consumers housing and municipalservices is wholly suitable for transformation of a competitive type on oligopoly. The mechanism of such transformation is offered on the basis of the concept «of the club boons». The model of life cycle the co-owners of a multiroom house (condominium) is offered and is established, that it should make four years.


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How to Cite

Горошкова, Л. А., & Волков, В. П. (2016). Goroshkova L., Volkov V. Model of life cycle of condominium. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, 1(31), 110–118. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.31.2016.104616


