Belous-Sergeeva S., Michalovskaya V. Theoretical aspects of legal protection of trademark in Ukraine.


  • Cвітлана Олександрівна Білоус-Сергєєва Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Приазовський державний технічний університет» м. Маріуполь, Ukraine
  • Валерія Станіславівна Михаловська Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Приазовський державний технічний університет» м. Маріуполь, Ukraine



trademark, mark, brand name, market economy, entity, individual, goods.


With the transition to a market economy related to specified objects was radically changed. In these conditions, it is important to provide the possibility of  individualization of the offered goods and services. Identification of business entities and the right to the protection of the trademark makes distinctive products and create a reputation for the business entity. Famous trademarks are buying privileges that give them almost complete customer commitment. The trademark for the consumer it is the business card, it is a person certain company or firm. Prototypes of modern signs have appeared in the period of the slave system. In the Middle Ages there is a new form of the brand, which reflects the nature of trade of the time - the brand Guild. Creating a brand product - it is not a new phenomenon (however, it is the art of the last hundred years has developed significantly). The legal system recognized brand property in the truest sense of the word. The trade mark shall be the buyer a certain set of features, benefits and services, it is a complicated character. Brand is a symbol, a word or combination of words, images, or a combination of all of the above used as a holder in order to differentiate their products (services) of the goods (services) competitors within the same industry. The concept of "brand" in marketing is a set of specific properties, associations, images that enable product from this brand stand out from the competition market.


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  2. Патентна агенція Дмитра Романенка/Електроний ресурс//режим доступу:
  3. Кафедра інтелектуальної власності ЧНУ ім. Б. Хмельницького / Електроний ресурс//режим доступу: 4. Котлер Ф. Основи маркетингу: Пер з англ. - 2-е Європ. Вид. - М., «Вільямс». - 1999.
  4. Радник Український юридичний портал / Електроний ресурс//режим доступу:



How to Cite

Білоус-Сергєєва C. О., & Михаловська, В. С. (2016). Belous-Sergeeva S., Michalovskaya V. Theoretical aspects of legal protection of trademark in Ukraine. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, 1(31), 336–339.


