Huseynova Shahla Akif. Financial globalization as a guarantor of the effectiveness of the country's economy.


  • Шахла Акиф кызы Гусейнова Русская Экономическая Школа Азербайджанского Государственного Экономического Университета (UNEC), г. Баку, Azerbaijan



state debt, macroeconomic stability, national economy, state budget, GDP.


In the article, the author points out that one of the main trends in the development of the world economy in recent years is the process of globalization.

Therefore, the implementation of a balanced policy in the field of public and private borrowing, the timely adoption of measures necessary to strengthen the state's position in managing the arrears of the public sector of the economy and regulation of external debt of the private sector is an important factor ensuring the country's macroeconomic stability, as excessive external debt is negatively reflected on the creditworthiness of the country as a whole.


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How to Cite

Гусейнова, Ш. А. к. (2017). Huseynova Shahla Akif. Financial globalization as a guarantor of the effectiveness of the country’s economy. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (34), 147–150.


