D. Nechepurenko. Introduction of automated control systems in machine building manufacturing.


  • Дмитро Станіславович Нечепуренко Запорізький національний університет, м. Запоріжжя, Ukraine




machine-building, resources planning, ERP-system, cloud technologies, provider, implementing ERP.


The article defines the need to change approaches to system management at machine building enterprises by developing and implementing automation systems for management and production processes. Prospects for the development of the machine-building region are quite large, but on condition of significant organizational and management changes in the methods of operation of the enterprises of this field. It is determined that the reorientation of the Ukrainian economy to the European market requires new approaches and management methods. This will ensure the implementation of production capacities of domestic enterprises in the European market. Management of organizational development is an important process for the management of a machine building enterprise. To ensure a proper result, it is planned to change the management system of enterprises in the context of the following areas: organizational, innovative and scientific and technical. The processes of obtaining and processing an  information about the state of the organization are cumulative. As a result of processing and increasing the volume the informations are changing. There are different levels of awareness of the problems. For the analysis and description of the system, different types of structures are used that differ in the types of elements and the relationships between them. Due to the fact that the external conditions of the enterprise change, a free information system requires constant improvement and development. Three approaches are identified in the theory and practice of creating information systems: local, global and systemic. When designing an automated control system, the level of its reliability depends on several factors. One of the key concepts of designing information systems is the life cycle of the project.


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How to Cite

Нечепуренко, Д. С. (2017). D. Nechepurenko. Introduction of automated control systems in machine building manufacturing. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (34), 267–273. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.34.2017.129292


