O. Yakusheva. Methodical approach to economical development of small and medium business in the regions of Ukraine.
methods, cluster analysis, economic development, SMEs, synchronicity, asymmetry.Abstract
The article considers methodological approaches to assessing the economic development of small and medium business in the regions of Ukraine on the basis of principles of regional model of economic development of small and medium business in the regions of Ukraine. In the proposed method evaluated economic development of Ukraine and development of small and medium businesses through the use of integrated indicators, cluster analysis, performance synchronization and asymmetry. Analysis of synchronicity and asymmetry of small and medium businesses in the region showed that regions develop at different rates and scope, so that there is a change in the distribution of small and medium businesses, the pace of its economic growth, the level of competition between enterprises and demand. The influence of internal and external environment for the development of small and medium businesses. The proposed regional model enabled to identify clusters of active and passive regions. It is established that the effective development and particular regions, given their level of differentiation required implementing strategic measures to align economic development with the aim of increasing the attractiveness equivalent SME in each region. The regional model makes it possible to develop effective strategic directions of development of small and medium business, including research results at every stage of the cluster.
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