O. Popova, T. Herasimenko. Features of an ecologically-proactive development strategy of industrial enterprises.





environmental initiative, costs, environmental policy, classification, economic activity, sustainable development.


Research outlined in this scientific article considers the peculiarities of the initiative approach in implementing the environmental policy of industrial enterprises. The article has a theoretical and methodological character, since a classification of approaches to management from the standpoint of environmental responsibility is proposed and a list of environmental strategies in accordance with the level of environmental initiative is defined. The purpose of the study is determination the features of the environmental strategy of the industrial enterprise in the framework of the initiative approach to the sustainable activities. The methods of analysis and synthesis, comparison of scientific concepts are used in the research. Classification of environmental strategies of an industrial enterprise was developed with the taking into account such classification features as the level of enterprises’ initiatives and responsibilities in the field of SEM and environmental protection. In addition, the main groups of factors influencing the change of approach to management are identified, including the rigidity of environmental requirements from external stakeholders, focus on strengthening environmental competitive advantages, international and domestic environmental legislation. The tools for the formation and implementation of environmental strategies and policies, and simultaneous implementation of approaches to adapt current activities to strategic and tactical environmental goals are developed. The search for new ways to assess the effectiveness of e deep geological activity of the enterprise is given. The proposed classification allows further development of tools for the formation and implementation of environmental strategies and policies, implementation of scenarios for the adaptation of current activities in accordance with the strategic and tactical environmental objectives of the industrial enterprise.


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How to Cite

Popova, O., & Herasimenko, T. (2018). O. Popova, T. Herasimenko. Features of an ecologically-proactive development strategy of industrial enterprises. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, 1(36), 37–42. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.36.2018.169000


