M. Makarenko, N. Potapova. The specifics of managing logistics systems of enterprises.





logistic activity, logistic system, logistic cluster, management of logistic system, industrial enterprise.


The article stressed that it is possible to consider an industrial enterprise, a territorial-production complex as a logistic system. Each logistics system consists of a set of elements, the so-called links of the logistics system, between which certain functional relationships and relationships are established. The properties inherent in the majority of logistic systems actually functioning in practice are given. Macro and micro levels of logistics systems are highlighted. Subsystems of the logistics system at the micro level are presented. Macro-logistic system is a large logistic system, where the management of current processes takes place with the participation of several or more independent business entities that are not limited in territorial distribution. The levels of the macro-logistic system are given. The micro-logistic system covers the intra-production logistic sphere of one enterprise or a group of enterprises united on a corporate basis. It was emphasized that the necessary condition for Ukraine’s exit from the economic crisis are solving problems of increasing the level of efficiency of industrial enterprises. The experience of the development of the advanced countries of the world shows that increasing the efficiency of the economy can only be achieved by switching to an innovative development model, the ultimate goal of which is to increase the welfare of citizens by accelerating economic growth. As one of the ways to solve existing logistical problems in Ukraine, the use of a cluster approach is proposed. The formation of transport and logistics clusters can be an effective tool for increasing the efficiency of enterprise groups by minimizing costs in the field of logistics. It was emphasized that in spite of the existing practical experience in creating clusters and the presence of some legal documents, work on many areas of cluster policy implementation has not yet begun. The stages of the formation of the transport and logistics cluster.


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How to Cite

Makarenko, M., & Potapova, N. (2018). M. Makarenko, N. Potapova. The specifics of managing logistics systems of enterprises. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, 1(36), 73–80. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.36.2018.169053


