G. Krapivina. Mechanisms of state administration of borrowed labor in non-standard forms of employment (by the example of volunteering).


  • Galina Krapivina Державний вищий навчальний заклад «Приазовський державний технічний університет», Ukraine https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9549-2794




non-standard forms of employment, borrowed labor, volunteering, government mechanisms, social entrepreneurship.


The article discusses the methodological approaches to the study of non-standard forms of employment on the example of volunteering, as a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, inherent not only in economic science, but also in sociological and legal. It is shown that the formation and development of non-standard forms of employment and volunteering, in particular, contributes to the combination of external and internal factors in the country, which create conditions and incentives for the spread and accelerated practical implementation of the process. The national features of the mechanisms of state management of borrowed labor in non-standard forms of employment are defined by the example of volunteering from the point of view of the cluster approach. Using the structural-functional analysis, the regulatory nature of the mechanisms of state administration of borrowed labor of non-standard forms of employment is revealed by the example of volunteering. With the help of the determinants of the mechanisms of state management of non-standard forms of employment, it is justified that non-standard forms of employment — borrowed labor — have been used on the labor market in volunteering in the world for a long time. It is shown that in social entrepreneurship of non-standard forms of employment, using the example of volunteering, the technology of activity in the form of contingent labor has acquired features and transformed into the scheme given in the article. The interaction of volunteering market participants is shown in the aspect of loan labor of non-standard forms of employment, which is a modification of the classical scheme of loan labor. It was revealed that the mechanisms of state management of non-standard forms of employment in the aspect of volunteer labor are constrained by a number of organizational and legal issues. It is shown that the development of social entrepreneurship and its distribution in Ukraine will enable the most active volunteer organizations to work successfully on solving modern problems of social development.


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How to Cite

Krapivina, G. (2018). G. Krapivina. Mechanisms of state administration of borrowed labor in non-standard forms of employment (by the example of volunteering). REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, 1(36), 240–249. https://doi.org/10.31498/2225-6725.36.2018.169454


