Gaponyuk O. Financial security of the state and the ways of its providing.


  • О.І. Гапонюк Маріупольський державний університет, Маріуполь, Ukraine



financial security, mechanism, infrastructure, state, system, ensuring of financial security


The article presents the interpretation of the term "financial security", from different points of view of many scientists. Indicated the composition of financial security, including budget, monetary, monetary and credit, debt security, security of the insurance market and the security of the stock market. Given a mechanism of ensure of the financial security of the country, consisting of elements,  of the providing system and levels. Discloses the directions of activity of the state to provide of financial security of the country, namely, finding cases of deviation of actual or projected parameters of the threshold values, the organization of work on the implementation of measures to prevent or eliminate the appearance of threats to financial security, examination of decisions made on financial issues from a position of financial security country evaluation of the effectiveness of preventing possible damage from adverse effects on the objects of financial security. Proposed system of measures to strengthen the financial security of Ukraine (regulation of the insurance market, improving monetary policy, improved currency policy, regulation of the stock market, the regulation of corporate relations, reform of the budget system). 


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How to Cite

Гапонюк, О. (2014). Gaponyuk O. Financial security of the state and the ways of its providing. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (27), 81–87.