Muterko H., Benchmarking the management labor potential at industrial enterprises


  • А. Н. Мутерко ГВУЗ «Приазовского государственного технического университета» г.Мариуполь, Ukraine



benchmarking, industry, labor potential


The author substantiates the necessity and urgency of using benchmarking in the field of labor potential based on the analysis of the current situation of Ukrainian industrial enterprises. Benchmarking is an exchange of experience between companies with similar business processes and business conditions, to determine the differences in the management and adaptation of the information received to one's own company to achieve the best performance. At present, Ukraine has a number of industrial enterprises, which in their manufacturing cycle have similar options allowing you to make internal benchmarking number. Consequently, after a detailed analysis of the deepening to each profession at each site, the potential of operational efficiency increasing is formed. That is determined by the overall capacity based on the best practice of a unit on a particular site. At the same time the target population is achieved through a variety of activities such as automation, outsourcing, etc.


  1. Camp, R.C. Benchmarking. The Search for Industry Best Practices That Lead to Superior Performance. ASQC Quality Press, 1989.
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  3. Тіхонов Ю.В. Бенчмаркінг і бізнес-розвідка як складові успішного розвитку бізнесу / Ю.В. Тіхонов // Актуальні проблеми економіки, 2007. – № 9. – с.128



How to Cite

Мутерко, А. Н. (2015). Muterko H., Benchmarking the management labor potential at industrial enterprises. REPORTER OF THE PRIAZOVSKYI STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Section: Economic Sciences, (29), 107–111.