Sotnichenko L.L System and integration approach to the management of transport potential of the region
transport potential, infrastructure development, management of an infrastructure, the evolutionary approach, the system-integration approachAbstract
In the article it is underlined that the transport infrastructure and its elements within the limits of region can be studied as system of internally regional communications which are in constant interaction. Process of accumulation of potential of a transport infrastructure of region is necessary for considering as the system which elements have horizontal and vertical ties, interdependent. Graphic submission of interrelations between elements of transport potential of region is shown. For the count of regional transport potential the presented matrix of a contiguity. It is noted, what exactly the specific, cumulative potential of a transport infrastructure of region represents a basis of its competitiveness for which increase it is necessary to attend to development of its many compound. To increase stability of system or its properties to influence of different factors, it is necessary to improve, first of all, system from within, strengthening and adapting interrelations and processes between its elements (components). To the place of concentration of resources adaptability as a key reference point of a regional government comes. Not so much availability of resources, and efficiency of their use should become a primary factor of development of an infrastructure of region. Formal definition of a control system by an infrastructure of region by language of the theory of sets is resulted. On the basis of studying of different theoretical concepts and paradigms it is possible to assume that as one of support of scientific base of development of a control system it is necessary to involve with a regional infrastructure the system-integration approach. On the basis of the conducted substantiations in a context of the system-integration approach, substantial model of set of subsystems of modern administrative structure essentially new appreciably is offered. There is a difficult integrated set which creates the system possessing synergy properties and is capable to supply strategic development of an infrastructure of region.
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