Meiningen Theatre of the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century: Creativity of Ludwig Kroneck's Directing Mechanisms


  • Tetyana Nechayenko



The purpose of the work is to describe and highlight the artistic and creative activities of the Meiningen Theatre and the professional skill and creativity of Ludwig Kroneck's directing mechanisms. The research methodology is to apply the art historical method for a comprehensive study and understanding of all components of the nature of stage creativity and directorial activity of the Meiningen theatre of the corresponding period, its artistic and aesthetic value. The structural method and a systematic approach in combination with the historical method are used for a thorough study of the creative experience of the Meiningen theatre and its directing, analysis of the characteristic differences in artistic activity. The functional method helped to analyse the essentially practical component of the imaginative and creative process, pragmatic characteristics of the theatre ensemble and director's explications of the German Meiningen Theatre of the second half of the nineteenth century. The analytical method was applied for considering the essence of the techniques and means of practical implementation of an artistic work, its transformation into a stage reality with the help of special professional methods and means of ideological and emotional expression. The scientific novelty of the study lies in a comprehensive analysis of Ludwig Kroneck's creative skills, the creativity of his theatre directing mechanisms and the significance of the master's professional experience for the stage professional process of contemporary theatre. Conclusions. The PR experience of L. Kronek, director and manager of the Meiningen Theatre in the second half of the nineteenth century, impresses today with its expediency in the theatrical process of stage creativity, namely: the master’s innovations in solving mass scenes of productions, performing role material by each performer with the help of all means and skills of high artistry The integrity of all methods of building a synthetic artistic and figurative stage canvas was achieved by the artist due to the complex skills of the director's ideas – light, scenery, mise-en-scene and performance of the acting ensemble. Modern theatre directing, as always, is in a constant process of inventing the latest original solutions for creating a stage form, figurative, and associative disclosure of a dramatic work as an artistic form of theatre. In their aspirations, the artists of the Melpomene stage should not forget the fruitful experience of their predecessors, who stood at the origins of the profession of directing as the main creator of visual and entertainment performance.

Key words: directing activity, Ludwig Kroneck, Meiningen Theatre, director, actor, theatre.





Stage art