Effect of Kyiv Committee of Regional Ethnography in the development of regional movement in Ukraine in the first half of the 20-ies of XX century


  • Alla Zhelyezko кандидат історичних наук, Ukraine




Kyiv Committee of Regional Ethnography, coordination center, regional ethnography activities, AllUkrainian Academy of Sciences, civil organizations


The article has clarified the activity of Kyiv Committee Regional Ethnography, fixed its role and place in the regional ethnography activities in the first half of 20-ties years of ХХ cent. During the development of independent of Ukraine urgent task of national historical science was the study of the process of Ukrainian ethnology in 20-ies of XX century. In modern historiography among the variety of historical studies remain some unexplored aspects including the place of Kyiv Committee of ethnography Local in history of ethnography motion in the first half of the 20 -ies of XX century. Researching the work of civil organizations of ethnography historians only briefly mention the Kyiv committee. Among the ethnography works that have generalizing or fragmented about our problems, it should be noted dissertation research Teodorovich A., M. Parakhin, labor P.Tronka, V. Prokopchuk, G. Verbylenko more. Purpose – to highlight the Kyiv committee of ethnology and establish its role in local history movement of the first half of the 20 -ies of XX century. In the early 1920s, the policy of "Ukrainianization", helped the expansion of local ethnography research which stimulated public interest in local history . The problem of organizing of regional movements and, the formation of its centre occured. In November 1922 under the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in Kyiv committee of ethnography was established, headed by A. Loboda. In order to expand local history work throughout Ukraine in Kharkov with A. Loboda was formed a separate committee, headed by Professor D. Zelenin. The ethnographic section organized a branch of committee ethnography in Poltava, Lubnah more. At the end of 1923 for the steppe part of Ukraine was established third Central Committee of ethnology in Odessa, headed by S. Dlozhevskyy. After the formation of committees in Poltava, Kharkiv and Odessa, regional committee of ethnography was named as Kyiv one. For close cooperation in the field of ethnology and for solving important organizational issues throughout the country, it was necessary to hold a congress with participation of local history organizations from different regions.




