Advertising as a transcultural phenomenon: Ukrainian processing experience problems


  • Bohdana Matviychuk getter, Ukraine



advertisement, transcultural phenomena, advertisement in the Ukraine


In the article author analyzes the problem of advertisement in the works of contemporary foreigner and native theoretic. Advertisement considered as transcultural phenomena, revealed features of native advertisement, proved the value of advertisement in the contemporary culture. In general advertising is the social and cultural phenomena that influenced on the different aspects of our daily life. Analysis of the advertising helps us to know more about society. Advertising creates stereotypes of thinking and behavior, formulates new material values and makes symbolic reality. Thus, advertising is the transcultural phenomena and it exists in the transcultural forms. Transcultural term became from the development of such direction as transcultural art. At first time it was used by famous Cuban anthropologist F. Ortis in 1947, for the description of the different arts, from the different countries. It shows not only transition one culture in to another or subordination of the weaker to stronger, but it stressed on each unique and authenticity. In this article we want to show enrichment of the world culture by new achievement and technology. Certainly, advertising is the mainstream of the transcultural phenomenon, because in it we can see expression of "integral consciousness" and integrity of scientific, artistic, political components that coexisting. Advertising used all of the visual art tools and techniques, that humanity understand. As phenomenon of culture advertising became the subject of scientific research in the XX century. As the sphere that mainly interested social and economic sciences, it interpreted as an important element of production and consumption. Existing research advertising aimed primarily at opening mechanisms of advertising messages on the recipient to manipulate public opinion: L. Burnett (Chicago School), G. Gallup (system of public opinion surveys), A. Lasker (political advertising), D. Ogilvy (concept of "ogilvizm"), O. Feofanov (Russian school). Researchers of the advertising tried to open marketing features, for example, K. Bove, U. Arens, F. Kotler, than in the works of Russian and Ukrainian theorists L. Vasilyeva, F. Pankratov, V. Uchonova. Various aspects of advertising as a complex humanitarian phenomenon of modernity recently started to study, including publication of Ukrainian authors in the philosophical, aesthetic and cultural aspects of art and advertising. For example: O. Olenina, O. Procenko (Ukraine), R. Sapenko (Poland). In the work we stressed on national features of advertising. History of advertising from its beginning and to the early XX century described in the work of V. Uchonova and N. Staryh "History of Advertising". Main aim of this work is to show development of advertising in Russia. In the work of K. Bove and U. Arens "Contemporary advertising" analyzed history of such famous brand as "Coca Cola" . On the example of this drink author explore general history of American advertising in XX century. The main aim of today’s Ukrainian advertising is a formulation and development of national lifestyle, new image of successful citizen and saving own culture traditions. Advertising determines human identity and creates conditions for transcultural changes. In our opinion, problem of national advertising have to be more research. Our society needs the formation and accumulation not only of commercial types of capital, but first of all formation of national capital as the cultural reality. In Ukraine the most popular annual event that organized Ukrainian Advertising Coalition and Public Advertising Council is the Kyiv International Advertising Festival. This event is opened for everybody and is one of the methods of popularization advertising in Ukraine. During the XXI century Ukrainian advertising market is the fastest growing in Europe. One of the main reasons for this significant development is the existence of unused resources in the industry in Ukraine. Of course, the phenomenon of advertising is too complicated and has many aspects related to the economy, trade, demand and supply, the interests of buyers. However, it is no exaggeration to say that the modern national culture in the form in which it exists today would have been impossible without advertising, and vice versa. Due to the development of high-quality advertising, as an expression of transcultural phenomenon in modern society claimed more information about the countries, their customs and traditions, there are transnational words and phrases that are clear to all. After all, advertising is presented as daily cultural universals, which is used worldwide.




