
  • Irina L. Golub PhD-candidate, National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



Ukrainian art, artistic means of expression, symbolism, iconography,


The article is devoted to the artistic features of the symbolism of Ukrainian art and iconography. The author explores the evolution of the most prominent symbols of art iconography of Ukraine. The author concludes that therevival of spiritual experiences by means of artistic symbolism of Ukrainian iconography passed a difficult way ofdevelopment and continues to perform its function in modern culture. Traditionally the spiritual features of the Ukrainianpeople have been the basis of the symbolism of sacred art of Ukraine.

The problem of symbolism in Ukrainian art of iconography is associated with the development of Ukrainianreligious art style. Development of individual style of graphic artists of Ukrainian art and iconography was an indicator oftheir skills. This concept is embodied in the characteristics of symbolic images, a kind of colouristic in mastery ofcomposition and plot construction, technology performance icons. Ukrainian art style of iconography had peculiarfeatures of symbolic images and applied a set of symbols in the form of figurative art signs. They had a religiouscharacter and expressed through abstract concepts and teachings.

The symbolism of inherent artistic features of Ukrainian religious art has changed in the course of itsdevelopment. The symbolism of Byzantine painting was the foundation of sacred expression in Kiev Russ. UkrainianChristian art used symbolic signs and complement their other symbols embodied in artistic form. Artistic image of thosecharacters served a good cause in the spread of Ukrainian iconography and were used in decorative ornamentation.Ukrainian painters made a symbolic image in Byzantium features classic contemporary style Gothic, Renaissance andBaroque. Artistic features of symbolism in Ukrainian iconography developed in close connection with picturesque folktraditions, revealing the identity of the character icon painting schools. Symbolic Ukrainian icons were expressive, with aclear composition treated purely in terms of decorative and geometric ornament. Ukrainian iconography of Byzantiumwas changed to vegetable colourful. Colourful ornaments characteristics of Ukrainian art take constructive and imagegeneralizedfunction. An integrated system of formal characters or objects in the hands of saints existed in times ofrevival of Cossack Ukraine as a state. The main colours of the Ukrainian icon (yellow and blue) credited to the older andbasic, and the system of symbols, objects in the hands of the Saints, as the successor of older traditions that previouslyhad other means of expression of art, perhaps even colours. Symbolism of colours of Ukrainian iconography is based onthe work of Dionysius the Areopagite "Areopahitikum Case". Along with the basic colours: yellow, red and blue, a specialplace in this work is given the gold as a symbol of divine light that was used by masters of iconography from the time ofthe baptism of Russ. Artistic images of characters in the form of geometric shapes (circle, triangle, rectangle) served agood cause in the spread of Ukrainian iconography and were used in decorative ornamentation. All this suggests thepresence of Ukrainian iconic symbols of objects, characters, plants, animals’ symbols, geometric symbols that indicatecertain historical layers. Treasury of world culture iconography joined the Ukrainian masters that brought a lot of new andvaluable aspects. During evolution, using traditional means of artistic symbolism Ukrainian iconography implied rejectionof dark palette of Byzantium and the transition to colour, which is full richness of colours and decorative baroque style.

Features of Ukraine symbols of religious art in all its forms showed great originality and proved that Ukrainianiconography was at a high European level. Taking its origins from the Byzantine art of Ukrainian iconography formed itsown special style. This style of European developments on imposing Byzantine icon painting canons and Ukrainiannational character originally created for other cultures unique art features which were a harmonious combination ofpalettes and symbols of Ukrainian iconography.

Modern Ukrainian iconography declared itself as a unique cultural and artistic phenomenon that has been formed and revealed the same European patterns of development. Developing Ukrainian icon it established its own style,unique features and symbolic image, formed a separated national school, which took its place among European schools.




