The Theory of a Composition in Music: the Modern Researching of the Issue


  • Tetiana Kablova associate professor of the Institute of Arts, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine



composition, musical form, structure, trans mension, universals of Music


Purpose of Article. The purpose of the work is to consider the composition of musical forms as a theoretical problem. This article is devoted to the theoretical analysis of the concept of compositions of musical art and studies the degree of the researching of the phenomenon of the composition and its role in XX century art. Methodology. The methodology of the research includes сompаrаtіve, hіstorісаl, logісаl, contextual and systematic methods. The methodological approach allows to reveal and to analyse a phenomenon of the compositions as parts of cultural process. Scientific novelty. The composition of art is traced as a construct for understanding the "base". The concept of "base" is always associated with the composition, which is the reflection of the internal structure. It allows us to show a real logic of composition construction. This phenomenon manifests itself in many principles of composition basics and is associated with the expression of ideas. At the end of XX century, the new concept of music composition was created by O. Koblyakov. Based on the concept of O. Koblyakov the author analysed the theory about manifestations in music composition. Its main feature is that it is manifested at the macro and micro levels of compositions and repeats the same value at different scale levels. Conclusions. Thus, the base of composition is a system of principles, which leads to the creation of the entity music composition. In addition, they develop each other.




