Socio-cultural accommodation of jazz in the first half of the twentieth century: the question of interaction of arts


  • Iryna Ilienko



jazz, interaction, accommodation, art, cultural environment.


The purpose of the article is to highlight the interaction of different types of art with jazz in the process of its adaptation in the cultural environment of the first half of the twentieth century and to analyze the main evolutionary stages of the adaptation of jazz art to the socio-cultural space. The methodology of the research lies in the application
of historical-cultural and comparative methods. The above-mentioned methodological approach involves forming a holistic view of the sociocultural accommodation of jazz art and helps to trace the dialectics of the relations of other arts with jazz. The scientific novelty of the article consists in extension of the notions of the socio-cultural accommodation of
jazz and showing its interactions with other forms of art. Conclusions. As you can see, the characteristic features of jazz art are dialogueness and communicativeness. Jazz interacts not only inside purely musical art, combining traditions, styles, forms and expressive means, but also externally with other types of art, producing new forms of artistic creativity.
The past century has fully demonstrated the active involvement of jazz in various forms of art, which, at first glance, have an indirect link with it. Jazz assimilates the creative workings of other arts, demonstrating unpredictable results of interactions in the form of numerous versatile mixes that reproduce further jazz evolution. Dialogue with other arts, which
in every way promotes the adaptation of jazz in the cultural environment in the first half of the twentieth century provides socio-cultural accommodation of jazz.




