
  • Olena Shevchenko Odessa National Polytechnic University, Ukraine



Ukrainian embroidery, Ukrainian clothing, clothes, Ukrainian nation, technique of embroidery, ornament, symbols, self-identification of Ukrainians, Ukrainian culture.


The purpose of the work is to reveal the issue of the influence of Ukrainian embroidery as an artistic phenomenon of the Ukrainian clothes on the formation of the consciousness of the Ukrainian people, on its communicative interaction, consolidation and unification in the current conditions of development of the Ukrainian state. The research methodology is associated with the use of theoretical analysis and synthesis methods. Scientific novelty. The article deals with the issues of the influence of Ukrainian embroidery on the self-identification of the Ukrainian people, its interaction, aimed at unification; ways of forming a national identity on the basis of Ukrainian ritual are analyzed; the distinctive features of Ukrainian clothes, symbolic images, embroidered ornaments and their manifestation in the mentality and national identity of the Ukrainian people are characterized. Conclusions. Ukrainian clothing is a work of art, where embroidery is an inalienable attribute and a symbol of Ukrainian folk culture, and a regulator of ethno-cultural information. The Ukrainian shirt is the main functional and symbolic element of the women's dress and attests to the degree of development and the specifics of the communicative behavior of Ukrainians, its use for social status, membership of a particular social stratum, its close connection with ethnic stereotypes, and moral norms of conduct.

Author Biography

Olena Shevchenko, Odessa National Polytechnic University

Doctor of Science in Social Communications,
Professor of the Department of Information
Activity and Media Communications


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