Neosymbolism of music of XX century and performance musicology


  • Оlena Markova Odessa National A. V. Nezhdanova Academy of Music, Ukraine



neosymbolism, symbolism, performance musicology, style in music, postmodern/ postvanguard, post-postmodern/post- postvanguard.


The Purpose given studies - reveal the  basis an symbolism saturation of the music thinking begin XX century, as fixes the development an performance musicology as reactions to theories art on autonomy of performance art to author's composition in time post-postvanguard. Scientific novelty realizable music-history review consists in that that for the first time in ukrainian music science is accented and argued history present state of affairs style certainty of the epoch of postmodern and post-postmodern as neosymbolism, as well as is defined essence neosymbolism thinkings as emancipation of performance art and been born  of the musicology approach, terminological presented as performance musicology. The Findings from said emerges: 1)musical-style expression of the neosymbolism principle of the thinking in music end XX - begin XXI century, which covers the epoch pоstmodern and post-pоstmodern; 2)exit in neosymbolism artistic space on emancipation of performance art to cоmpоser creative activity noted history volume; 3) definition of performance musicology, which, unlike belief about artistic wholeness composer work, it addresses to wholeness of over-individual  performance  full tilts on music caught "idea of time", pawning belief about "new wholeness"  of the analysis musicology of the artifacts.

Author Biography

Оlena Markova, Odessa National A. V. Nezhdanova Academy of Music

Doctor of Study of Art, Professor, Honored Worker of Culture of Ukraine, Head of the Theoretical and Applied Culturology Department


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